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Full text of "BSTJ 16: 4. October 1937: The Dielectric Properties of Insulating Materials. (Murphy, E.J.; Morgan, S.O.)"

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The Dielectric Properties of Insulating Materials 


This paper gives a qualitative account of the way in which 
dielectric constant and absorption data have been interpreted in 
terms of the physical and chemical structure of materials. The 
dielectric behavior of materials is determined by the nature of the 
polarizations which an impressed field induces in them. The 
various types of polarization which have been demonstrated to exist 
are listed, together with an outline of their characteristics. 

I. Outline of the Physico-Chemical Interpretation 
of the Dielectric Constant 

THE development of dielectric theory in recent years has been 
along such specialized lines that there is need of some correlation 
between the newer and the older theories of dielectric behavior to 
keep clear what is common to both, though sometimes expressed in 
different terms. The purpose of the present paper is to outline in 
qualitative terms the way in which the dielectric constant varies with 
frequency and temperature and to indicate the type of information 
regarding the structure of materials which can be obtained from the 
study of the dielectric constant. 

The important dielectric properties include dielectric constant (or 
specific inductive capacity), dielectric loss, loss factor, power factor, 
a.c. conductivity, d.c. conductivity, electrical breakdown strength and 
other equivalent or similar properties. The term dielectric behavior 
usually refers to the variation of these properties with frequency, 
temperature, voltage, and composition. 

In discussing the dielectric properties and behavior of insulating 
materials it will be necessary to use some kind of model to represent 
the dielectric. The success of wave-mechanics in explaining why 
some materials are conductors and others dielectrics suggests that it 
might be desirable to use a quantum-mechanical model even in a 
general outline of the characteristics of dielectrics, but for the aspects 
of the theory of dielectric behavior with which we are immediately 
concerned here the behavior predicted is essentially the same as that 
derived on the basis of classical mechanics. However, in the course 
of the description of the frequency-dependence of dielectric constant 
we shall have occasion to make a comparison between the dispersion 



and absorption curves for light and those for electromagnetic dis- 
turbances in the electrical (i.e., radio and power) range of frequencies. 
The difficulty is then met that the quantum-mechanical model is 
the customary medium of description of the absorption of light. 
But, since the references to optical properties will be only incidental 
and for comparative purposes, there is little to be lost, even in this 
domain in which quantum-mechanical concepts are the familiar 
medium of description, in using the pre-quantum theory concepts of 
dispersion and absorption processes. Thus a model operating on the 
basis of classical mechanics and the older conceptions of atomic struc- 
ture will be sufficient for our present purposes. 

On the wave-mechanical theory of the structure of matter a di- 
electric is a material which is so constructed that the lower bands of 
allowed energy levels are completely full at the absolute zero of temper- 
ature (on the Exclusion Principle) and at the same time isolated from 
higher unoccupied bands by a large zone of forbidden energy levels. 1 
Thus conduction in the lower, fully occupied bands is impossible 
because there are no unoccupied energy levels to take care of the 
additional energy which would be acquired by the electrons from the 
applied field, while the zone of forbidden energy levels is so wide that 
there is only a negligible probability that an electron in the lower band 
of allowed levels will acquire enough energy to make the transition to 
the unoccupied upper band where it could take part in conduction. 
The bound electrons in a completely filled and isolated band of allowed 
levels can, however, interact with the applied electric field by means of 
the slight modifications which the applied field makes in the potential 
structure of the material and hence in the allowed levels. 

On the other hand in the older theory of the structure of matter the 
essential condition which makes a material a dielectric is that the 
electrons and other charged particles of which it is composed are held 
in equilibrium positions by constitutive forces characteristic of the 
structure of the material. When an electric field is applied these 
charges are displaced, but revert to their original equilibrium positions 
when the field is removed. In this account of the behavior of di- 
electrics this model will be sufficient, but no essential change in the 
relationships which will be discussed here would result if a translation 
were made to a model based upon quantum-mechanics. 

When an electric field is impressed upon a dielectric the positive 

and negative charges in its atoms and molecules are displaced in 

opposite directions. The dielectric is then said to be in a polarized 

1 Cf., for example, Gurney, "Elementary Quantum Mechanics," Cambridge 
(1934); Herzfeld, "The Present Theory of Electrical Conduction," Electrical Engi- 
neering, April 1934. 


condition, and since the motion of charges of opposite sign in opposite 
directions constitutes an electric current there is what is called a 
polarization current or charging current flowing while the polarized 
condition is being formed. 

For the case of a static impressed field a charging current flows in 
the dielectric only for a certain time after application of the field, the 
time required for the dielectric to reach a fully polarized condition. 
If the material is not an ideal dielectric, but contains some free ions, 
the current due to a static impressed field does not fall to zero but to 
a constant value determined by the conductivity due to free ions. 
More important than the static is the alternating current case, where 
the potential is continually varying and where, consequently, there 
must be a continuously varying current. 

The dielectric behavior of different materials under different con- 
ditions is reflected in the characteristics of the charging or polariza- 
tion currents, but since polarization currents depend upon the applied 
voltage and the dimensions of condensers it is inconvenient to use 
them directly for the specification of the properties of materials. 
Eliminating the dependence upon voltage by dividing the charge by 
the voltage, we have the capacity (C = Q/V); and the dependence 
upon dimensions may be eliminated by using the dielectric constant, 
defined as e = C/C , where C is the capacity of the condenser when the 
dielectric material is between its plates and Co is the capacity of the 
same arrangement of plates in a vacuum. The dielectric constant 
is then a property of the dielectric material itself. 

The term "dielectric polarization" is used to refer to the polarized 
condition created in a dielectric by an applied field of either constant 
or varying intensity. The polarizability is one of the quantitative 
measures of the dielectric polarization; it is defined as the electric 
moment per unit volume induced by an applied field of unit effective 
intensity. Another quantitative measure of the dielectric polarization 
is the molar polarization; this is a quantity which is a measure of the 
polarizability of the individual molecule, whatever the state of ag- 
gregation of the material. 

The concept of polarizability is as fundamental to, and plays about 
the same role in, the theory of dielectric behavior as does the concept 
of free ions in the theory of electrolytic conduction. Just as the con- 
ductivity of a material is a measure of the product of the number of 
ions per unit cube and their average velocity in the direction of a unit 
applied field, so the polarizability is a measure of the number of bound 
charged particles per unit cube and their average displacement in the 
direction of the applied field. 


In the early investigations of dielectrics two distinct types of charg- 
ing current were recognized, the one in which the charging or dis- 
charging of a condenser occurred practically instantaneously and the 
other in which a definite and easily observable time was required. A 
charge accumulating in a condenser in an unmeasurably short time 
was variously referred to as the instantaneous charge or geometric 
charge or the elastic displacement. The current by which this charge 
is formed was called the instantaneous or geometric charging current, 
and similarly the terms instantaneous dielectric constant or geometric 
dielectric constant were used to describe the property of the medium 
giving rise to the effect between the condenser plates. An even wider 
variety of names has been used for the part of the charge which formed 
or disappeared more slowly. Among these are residual charge, 
reversible absorption, inelastic displacement, viscous displacement 
and anomalous displacement. The modern theory still recognizes 
these two distinct types of condenser charges and charging currents 
but the simple descriptive designations rapidly-forming or instantaneous 
polarizations and slowly-forming or absorptive polarizations will be 
adopted here, as they seem sufficient and to be preferred to terms 
which have more specialized connotations as to the mechanism upon 
which the behavior depends. The properties of these two types of 
charging currents and the dielectric polarizations corresponding to 
them appear prominently in the theories of dielectric behavior. 

The total polarizability of the dielectric is the sum of contributions 
due to all of the different types of displacement of charge produced in 
the material by the applied field. Constitutive forces characteristic 
of the material determine both the magnitude of the polarizability and 
the time required for it to form or disappear. The quantitative 
measure of the time required for a polarization to form or disappear is 
called the relaxation-time. In the following a description will be given 
of the physical processes involved in the formation of dielectric polari- 
zations, indicating the effect of chemical and physical structure upon 
the two quantities, magnitude and relaxation-time, which determine 
many of the properties of dielectric polarizations of the slowly-forming 
or absorptive type. 

The magnitude of the polarizability k of a dielectric can be expressed 
in terms of a directly measurable quantity, the dielectric constant e, 
by the relation 

4tt (e + 2) 
It is sometimes convenient to use the polarizability and the dielectric 


constant interchangeably in the qualitative discussion of the magnitude 
of the dielectric polarization. In dealing with alternating currents 
the fact that polarizations of the absorptive type require a time to 
form which is often of the same order of magnitude as, or greater than, 
the period of the alternations, results in the polarization not 
being able to form completely before the direction of the field is 
reversed. This causes the magnitude of the dielectric polarization 

Fig. 1 — Schematic diagram of variation of dielectric constant and dielectric 
absorption with frequency for a material having electronic, atomic, dipole and 
interfacial polarizations. 

and dielectric constant to decrease as the frequency of the applied 
field increases. An example of this variation of the dielectric constant 
with frequency is shown in the radio and power frequency section of 
the curve plotted in Fig. 1. It is often convenient to refer to the mid- 
point of the decreasing dielectric constant-frequency curve as the 
relaxation-frequency; this frequency f m is very simply related to the 
relaxation- time t, for the theory of these effects shows that/ m = 1/2 tt. 


Various types of polarization can be induced in dielectrics: There 
should be an electronic polarization due to the displacement of electrons 
with respect to the positive nuclei within the atom; an atomic polari- 
zation due to the displacement of atoms with respect to each other in 
the molecule and in certain ionic crystals, such as rock salt, to the 
displacement of the lattice ions of one sign with respect to those of the 
opposite sign; dipole polarizations due to the effect of the applied 
field on the orientations of molecules with permanent dipole moments; 
and finally interfacial (or ionic) polarizations caused by the accumula- 
tion of free ions at the interfaces between materials having different 
conductivities and dielectric constants. 

Electronic Polarizations 

A classification of dielectric polarizations into rapidly-forming or 
instantaneous polarizations and slowly-forming or absorptive polariza- 
tions has been made. Instantaneous polarizations may be thought of 
as polarizations which can form completely in times less than say 10~ 10 
seconds, that is, at frequencies greater than 10 10 cycles per second or 
wave-lengths of less than 1 centimeter, and so beyond the range of 
conventional dielectric constant measurements. The electronic polari- 
zations are due to the displacement of charges within the atoms, and 
are the most important of the instantaneous polarizations. The 
polarizability per unit volume due to electronic polarizations may be 
considered to be a quantity which is proportional to the number of 
bound electrons in a unit volume and inversely proportional to the 
forces binding them to the nuclei of the atoms. 

The effect of number of electrons and binding force is illustrated by 
a comparison of the values for the polarizability per unit volume of 
different gases; for the number of molecules per unit volume is inde- 
pendent of the composition of the gas. Thus, although a c.c. of 
hydrogen with two electrons per molecule has the same number of 
electrons as a c.c. of helium, which is an atomic gas with two electrons 
per atom, the quantity e— 1, that is the amount by which the di- 
electric constant is greater than that of a vacuum, is nearly four times 
as large for hydrogen as for helium. This shows that in hydrogen the 
electrons are in effect less tightly bound to the nucleus than in helium, 
resulting in a larger induced polarization. Nitrogen has a. larger 
dielectric constant than either hydrogen or helium because it has 14 
electrons per molecule. Some of these are tightly bound as in helium 
and some are more loosely bound as in hydrogen. 

The dielectric constant of liquid nitrogen is 1.43, which is much 
higher than the value 1.000600 for the gas. This is due to the fact 


that the number of molecules, and consequently of bound charges, 
per unit volume is much greater in the liquid than in the gas. How- 
ever, the molar polarization, a quantity which is corrected for varia- 
tions in density, is the same for liquid as for gaseous nitrogen. 

The time required for the applied field to displace the electrons 
within an atom to new positions with respect to their nuclei is so short 
that there is no observable effect of time or frequency upon the value 
of the dielectric constant until frequencies corresponding to absorption 
lines in the visible or ultra-violet spectrum are reached. For con- 
venience in this discussion the frequency range which includes the 
infra-red, visible and ultra-violet spectrum will be called the optical 
frequency range while that which includes radio, audio and power 
frequencies will be called the electrical frequency range. For all fre- 
quencies in the electrical range the electronic polarization is indepen- 
dent of frequency and for a given material contributes a fixed amount 
to the dielectric constant, but at the frequencies in the optical range 
corresponding to the absorption lines in the spectrum of the material, 
the dielectric constant, or better the refractive index, changes rapidly 
with frequency, and absorption appears. (The justification for using 
refractive index n and dielectric constant e interchangeably for the 
qualitative discussion of the properties of dielectric polarizations fol- 
lows from the relation, e = n 2 , which is known as Maxwell's rule. 
This is a general relationship based upon electromagnetic theory and 
is applicable whenever e and n are measured at the same frequency 
no matter how high or low it may be.) 

The electronic polarization of a molecule may be regarded as an 
additive property of the atoms or of the atomic bonds in the molecule, 
and may be calculated for any dielectric of known composition with 
sufficient accuracy for most purposes. Within any one chemical class of 
compounds such as, for example, the saturated hydrocarbons or their 
simple derivatives, in which all of the bonds are C — H, C — C or C — X, 
the calculated values agree with the measured to within a few per 
cent. For other classes of compounds — for example, benzene, in 
which there are both single and double bonds such calculations must be 
corrected for the fact that some of the valence electrons have their 
binding forces and hence their polarizabilities altered in the double 
bond as compared to the single bond. Such values of electronic 
polarization, usually called atomic refractions, have been determined 
for all of the different types of bonds from the vast amount of experi- 
mental study of refractive indices of organic and inorganic compounds. 

In some materials the electronic polarization is the only one of 
importance. For example, in benzene the dielectric constant is the 


same at all frequencies in the electrical range and is equal to the square 
of the optical refractive index. This must mean that the only polari- 
zable elements of consequence in CeH 6 are electrons which are capable 
of polarizing as readily in the visible spectrum, where the refractive 
index is measured, as at lower frequencies where dielectric constant is 
measured. The refractive index in the visible spectrum provides the 
means of determining the magnitude of electronic polarizations, for 
other types of polarization are usually of negligible magnitude when 
the frequency of the impressed field lies in the visible spectrum. For 
materials having only electronic polarizations the dielectric properties 
are very simply dependent upon the chemical composition and the 
temperature, and are independent of frequency in the electrical 
frequency range. In many materials, however, there are also other 
polarizations which can form at low frequencies but not at high ; these 
are characterized by more complex dielectric behavior. 

Atomic Polarizations 

Included among the polarizations which may be described as in- 
stantaneous by comparison with the order of magnitude of the periods 
of alternation of the applied field in the electrical frequency range are 
those arising from the displacement of the ions in an ionic crystal 
lattice (such as rock salt) or of atoms in a molecule or molecular lattice. 
In some few materials, for example the alkali halides, sufficient study 
has been made of the infra-red refractive index to provide data on the 
atomic polarizations, but for most substances little is known about 
them. What is known has in part been inferred from infra-red absorp- 
tion spectra and in part from the infra-red vibrations revealed by 
studies of the Raman effect. 

Atomic polarizations are distinguished from electronic polarizations 
by being the part of the polarization of a molecule which can be at- 
tributed to the relative motion of the atoms of which it is composed. 
The atomic polarizations may be attributed to the perturbation by the 
applied field of the vibrations of atoms and ions having their character- 
istic or resonance frequencies in the infra-red. Atomic polarizations 
may be large for substances such as the alkali halides and other in- 
organic materials, but are usually negligible for organic materials. 
The exact value of the time required for the formation of atomic 
polarizations is unimportant in the electric range of frequencies with 
which we are primarily concerned. The essential thing is that atomic 
polarizations begin to contribute to e(or «*) at frequencies below 
approximately 10 14 seconds — that is, in the near infra-red and that 
below about 10 10 cycles per second, where the optical and electrical 


frequency ranges merge, atomic polarizations contribute a constant 
amount to e(or n 2 ) for a given material. The atomic polarization is 
determined as the difference between the polarization which is meas- 
ured at some low infra-red or high electric frequency and the electronic 
polarization as determined from refractive index measurements in the 
visible spectrum. 

The electronic and atomic polarizations are considered to comprise 
all of the so-called instantaneous polarizations; that is, the polariza- 
tions which form completely in a time which is very short as compared 
with the order of magnitude of the periods of applied fields in the 
electrical range of frequencies. 

The Debye Orientational Polarization 
The remaining types of polarization are of the "absorptive" kind, 
characterized by relaxation-times corresponding to "relaxation- 
frequencies" in the electrical range of frequencies. These polariza- 
tions include the important type which is due to the effect of the applied 
field on the orientation of molecules with permanent electric moments, 
the theory of which was developed by Debye. Among the other 
possible polarizations of the absorptive type are those due to inter- 
facial effects or to ions which are bound in various ways. 

Debye, 2 in 1912, suggested that the high dielectric constant of water, 
alcohol and similar liquids was due to the existence of permanent 
dipoles in the molecules of these substances. The theory which Debye 
based upon this postulate opened up a new field for experimental 
investigation by providing a molecular mechanism to explain dielectric 
behavior which fitted into and served to confirm the widely held 
views of chemical structure. Debye postulated that the molecules 
of all substances except those in which the charges are symmetrically 
located possess a permanent electric moment which is characteristic 
of the molecule. In a liquid or gas these molecular dipoles are oriented 
at random and therefore the magnitude of the polarization vector is 
zero. When an electric field is applied, however, there is a tendency 
for the molecules to align themselves with their dipole axes in the 
direction of the applied field, or, put in another way, to spend more 
of their time with their dipole axes in the direction of the field than 
in the opposite direction. This dipole polarization is superimposed 
upon the electronic and atomic polarizations which are also induced by 
the field. The theory as developed by Debye accounts for the ob- 
served difference between the temperature and frequency dependence 
of the dipole polarizations and the instantaneous polarizations. While 
the latter are present in all dielectrics, the dipole polarizations can 
2 P. Debye, Phys. Zeit., 13, 97, (1912); Verh. d. D. phys. Ges., 15, 777 (1913). 



occur only in those made up of molecules which are electrically 

Polar molecules (that is molecules with permanent electric moments) 
are, by definition, those in which the centroid of the negative charges 
does not coincide with the centroid of the positive charges, but falls 
at some distance from it. All materials must be classed either as 
polar or non-polar, the latter class including those which are elec- 
trically symmetrical. Some simple examples of non-polar molecules 


Fig. 2 — Methane and carbon tetrachloride are non-polar molecules each having 
four equal vector moments whose sum is zero. Methyl chloride is polar because the 
sum of the vector moments is not zero. 

are H 2 , N 2 , 2 , CH 4 , CC1 4 and C 6 H 8 . In these molecules each C — H, 
C — CI or other bond may be regarded as having a vector dipole mo- 
ment of characteristic magnitude located in the bond. Where the 
sum of these vector moments is zero the molecule will be non-polar. 
Both CH 4 and CC1 4 meet this requirement but CH 3 C1 is polar because 
the C — CI vector moment is considerably greater than the resultant of 
the three C — H vectors. (See Fig. 2.) Polar molecules are the rule 
and non-polar the exception. 


In the discussion of dipole polarizations it has frequently been 
pointed out that non-polar materials usually obey the general relation- 
ship e = n 2 whereas for polar materials such as H 2 0, NH 8 and HC1 
this rule is apparently not obeyed. Water, for example, has n 2 = 1.7 
and e = 78. This apparent discrepancy arises because the refractive 
index as measured in the visible spectrum is usually compared with 
the dielectric constant as measured in the electric range of frequencies. 
Non-polar materials usually have only electronic polarizations and 
these can form both in the optical and in the electrical frequency 
ranges, but the dipole polarizations can form and contribute to the 
dielectric constant only in the electrical frequency range; this is the 
most frequent source of the above mentioned discrepancy. The 
general relationship e = n 2 should apply for any material at any fre- 
quency provided e and n are measured at the same frequency. The 
refractive index of water when measured with electric waves, 3 for 
example, at a million cycles, is found to be slightly less than 9, the 
square of which agrees very well with the observed value e = 78. 
However, it does not always follow that when e > n 2 the molecules of 
which the material is composed have permanent dipole moments, for 
this condition can also result from the presence of any slowly-forming 
or absorptive polarization or of a large atomic polarization. Experi- 
mental investigations based upon the Debye theory have shown, 
however, that in the case of water and many other familiar compounds 
the orientation of dipole molecules actually accounts for the high 
dielectric constant. 

The Debye theory shows that the magnitude of the dipole polariza- 
tion of a material is proportional to the square of the electric moment 
of the molecule, which, as has been pointed out, may be regarded as 
the vector sum of a number of constituent moments characteristic of 
the individual atoms or radicals of which the molecule is composed, 
or alternatively, of the bonds which bind these atoms into molecules 
or more complex aggregates. The very great amount of experimental 
study of the Debye theory has shown that the N0 2 and CN groups 
have the largest group moments while CO, OH, NH 2 , CI, Br, I and 
CH 3 have progressively smaller group moments. The value 34 for the 
dielectric constant of nitrobenzene (C 6 H 5 N02), as against 5.5 for 
chlorobenzene (C 6 H 5 C1), 2.8 for methyl benzene (C 6 H 5 CH 3 ) and 2.28 
for benzene (C 6 H 6 ), which is non-polar, are evidence of the large 
differences in the magnitudes of these group moments and the large 
part that dipole moments can play in determining the dielectric 

» Drude, "Physik des Aethers," Stuttgart (1894), p. 486. 



Another point regarding molecular structure shown by such studies 
is that it is not only the presence of polar groups in the molecule but 
also their position which determines the electric moment of the mole- 
cule. This is nicely illustrated by the dichlorobenzenes, of which 
there are three isomers. As is shown in Fig. 3, ortho-dichlorobenzene, 
having the two substituent groups in adjacent positions, is the most 
asymmetrical of the three compounds, and consequently has the high- 


Fig. 3 — Ortho dichlorobenzene being the more asymmetrical has a higher electric 
moment than the meta isomer; the para isomer which is symmetrical has zero electric 

est electric moment, n = 2.3. The meta compound has about the 
same moment as monochlorobenzene, /z = 1.55. The para compound, 
however, is symmetrical and has zero electric moment because the 
CI atoms are substituted on opposite sides of the benzene ring so that 
their vector moments cancel. These values of electric moment are 
reflected in the values of dielectric constant which are respectively 
10, 5.5 and 2.8 for the three isomeric dichlorobenzenes. 


Dielectric studies of this kind have also shown, for example, that 
H2O is not a symmetrical linear molecule, H — O — H, but rather a 


triangular structure 0<C . CO2 on the other hand, being non-polar, 


is determined to be a linear molecule O = C = O. Thus, dielectric 
measurements interpreted by the Debye theory have become estab- 
lished as one of the standard means of studying molecular structure. 

Since dipole polarizations depend upon the relative orientations of 
molecules, rather than upon the displacement of charges within the 
atom or molecule, the time required for a polarization of this type to 
form depends upon the internal friction of the material. Debye 
expressed the time of relaxation of dipole polarizations in terms of the 
internal frictional force by the equation: 

f Swrja 3 

2kT 2kT ' 

where f is the internal friction coefficient, 77 is the coefficient of viscosity, 
a the radius of the molecule and T the absolute temperature. 4 This 
latter expression, because it depends on Stokes' law for a freely falling 
body, is rigidly applicable only to gases or possibly to dilute solutions 
of polar molecules in non-polar solvents in which the polar molecules 
are far enough apart that they exert no appreciable influence on each 

Applying this equation to the calculation of the relaxation-time of 
the orientational polarizations in water at room temperature we obtain 
t = 10~ 10 seconds, assuming a molecular radius of 2 X 10~ 8 cm. and 
taking the viscosity as 0.01 poises. 8 The relaxation-frequency corre- 
sponding to this relaxation-time is about 1.6 X 10 9 cycles/sec, agreeing 
with the results of experimental studies on water which show that 
in the range of frequencies extending from 10 9 to 10 u cycles the 
dielectric constant decreases from its high value to a value approxi- 
mately equal to the square of the refractive index. Thus the drop in 
dielectric constant occurs in the frequency range which corresponds to 
the calculated value of the relaxation-time. 

Similar experiments on dilute solutions of alcohols 6 in non-polar 
solvents yield values of r of about 10~ 9 seconds. The shortest relax- 
ation-times which dipole polarizations can have are probably not 

* P. Debye, "Polar Molecules," Chem. Cat. Co., 1929, p. 85. 

6 The viscosity of a liquid in poises is given by the force in dynes required to 
maintain a relative tangential velocity of 1 cm. /sec. between two parallel planes in the 
liquid each 1 cm. 2 in area and 1 cm. apart, the distance being measured normal to their 

6 R. Goldammer, Phys. Zeit., 33, 361 (1932). 


much less than the order of 10 -u seconds, since in general either the 
internal friction or the molecular radius of materials having polar 
molecules will be greater than those of water, resulting in longer 
relaxation-times. No long-time limit can be placed on the relaxation- 
times which dipole polarizations may have, for they are limited only 
by the values which the internal friction can assume. For materials, 
such as glycerine, which tend to become very viscous at low tempera- 
tures the time of relaxation of the dipoles may be a matter of minutes. 
Studies of the dielectric constant of crystalline solids, to be discussed 
in a later paper, show also that in some cases polar molecules are able 
to rotate even in the crystalline state, where the ordinary coefficient 
of viscosity has no meaning because the materials do not flow. In 
connection with the dielectric properties we are concerned only with 
the ability of the polar molecules to undergo rotational motion and 
it is likely that in these solids, which constitute a special class, the 
internal frictional force opposing rotation of the molecules is small 
even though the forces opposing translational motion may be very 
large. The particular equation for the calculation of the time of 
relaxation given above obviously does not apply to solids. 

In discussing the three types of polarizations which have been 
considered thus far, it has been pointed out that the magnitude of 
the dielectric constant depends upon the polarizability of the material. 
Each type of polarization makes a contribution to the dielectric 
constant if the measuring frequency is considerably below its relax- 
ation-frequency. However, if the frequency of the applied field used 
for measuring the dielectric constant is too high the presence of 
polarizations with low relaxation-frequencies will not be detected. 
Thus the refractive index of water in the visible spectrum is 1.3 and 
therefore gives no evidence whatever of the presence of permanent 
dipoles. This is due to the fact that the H2O molecules do not change 
their orientations rapidly enough to allow fields which alternate in 
direction as rapidly as those of light to cause an appreciable deviation 
from the original random orientation which prevails in the absence of 
an applied field. 

The band of frequencies in which the dielectric constant decreases 
with increasing frequency because of inability of the polarization to 
form completely in the time available during a cycle, is called a region 
of absorption or of anomalous dispersion. The discussion of this 
characteristic of dielectric materials forms an important part of 
dielectric theory. The term anomalous dispersion is no doubt usually 
thought of in connection with the anomalous dispersion of light : when 
the refractive index of light decreases with increasing frequency the 


material is said to display anomalous dispersion in the range of fre- 
quencies concerned. However, in a paper published in 1898 Drude 7 
applied this term to the decrease of dielectric constant with increasing 
frequency in the electrical range of frequencies. The justification 
for this extension of the original application of the term is very direct 
for electromagnetic theory shows that the dielectric constant and the 
refractive index of a material are connected by the general relationship 
e = n 2 whatever the frequency of the electromagnetic disturbance. 
As the dispersion of light by a prism is due to the variation of its re- 
fractive index with frequency, the use of the expression anomalous 
dispersion to refer to the decrease of dielectric constant with increasing 
frequency is consistent and has become generally accepted. 

Interfacial Polarizations 

The polarizations thus far considered are the main types to be 
expected in a homogeneous material. They depend upon the effect 
of the applied field in slightly displacing electrons in atoms, in slightly 
distorting the atomic arrangement in molecules and in causing a slight 
deviation from randomness in the orientation of polar molecules. 
The remaining types of polarization are those resulting from the 
heterogeneous nature of the material and are called interfacial polariza- 
tions. Interfacial polarizations must exist in any dielectric made up 
of two or more components having different dielectric constants and 
conductivities except for the particular case where 6172 = €271, 7 being 
the conductivity 8 and the subscripts referring to the two components. 
Heterogeneity in a dielectric may be due to a number of causes, and 
in the case of practical insulating materials is probably the rule rather 
than the exception. Impregnated paper condensers and laminated 
plastics are obvious examples of heterogeneous dielectrics. Paper 
is itself a heterogeneous dielectric, consisting of water and cellulose. 
In all probability the plastic resins are also heterogeneous, and cer- 
tainly so if they contain fillers. Ceramics, being mixtures of crystalline 
and glassy phases, are also heterogeneous. 

The simplest case of interfacial polarization is that of the two-layer 
dielectric, that is, a composite dielectric made up of two layers, the 
dielectric constants and conductivities of which are different. Max- 
well showed that in such a system the capacity was dependent upon 
the charging time. This is due to the accumulation of charge at the 
interface between the two layers, for this charge must flow through a 

7 P. Drude, Ann. d. Physik, 64, 131 (1898), " Zur Theorie der anomalien elektrischen 

8 In this expression 7 represents the total a.c. conductivity, a quantity which 
depends on the frequency. 


layer of dielectric whose resistance may be high enough that the inter- 
face does not become completely charged during the time allowed for 
charging. For the alternating current case this implies a decrease of. 
capacity with increasing frequency, which is equivalent to the anoma- 
lous dispersion which has been described for the case of dipole polariza- 
tions. It should be particularly emphasized that the term anomalous 
dispersion describes a type of variation of dielectric constant with 
frequency which can be produced by a number of different physical 

The two-layer dielectric is of less interest than a generalization of 
this type of polarization which includes heterogeneous systems com- 
posed of particles of one dielectric dispersed in another. This type 
of heterogeneous dielectric is of considerable importance since such 
systems represent the actual structure of many practical dielectrics. 
Such a generalization of the two-layer dielectric has been made by 
K. W. Wagner 9 who developed the theory for the case of spheres of 
relatively high conductivity dispersed in a continuous medium of low 
conductivity. The conditions for the existence of an interfacial 
polarization are, as in the two-layer case, that eftx + «27i» where the 
symbols have the significance just given. This type of polarization, 
which is variously referred to as an interfacial polarization, an ionic 
polarization and a Maxwell-Wagner polarization, shows anomalous 
dispersion like other absorptive polarizations. When the particle 
size is small as compared with the electrode separation it may be 
treated as a uniformly distributed polarization. 

The magnitude and time of relaxation of interfacial polarizations 
are determined by the differences in e and 7 of the two components. 
There is a widely prevalent opinion that this type of polarization 
always has such long relaxation-times as to be observed only at very 
low frequencies. While this is true for mixtures of very low-con- 
ductivity components, the general equations show that for the case 
where one component has a high conductivity — for example equal to 
that of a salt solution — the dispersion may occur in the radio frequency 

Several special types of interfacial polarization have been proposed 
to explain the dielectric properties of various non-homogeneous di- 
electrics where something regarding the nature of the inhomogeneity 
is known. The dielectric constant of cellulose, for example, receives 
a contribution from an interfacial polarization due to the water and 
dissolved salt which it contains. Experimental evidence indicates 
that an aqueous solution of various salts is distributed through the 

» K. W. Wagner, Arch.f. Elektrotechn., 2, pp. 374 and 383. 


cellulose in such a way as to form a reticulated pattern which may 
correspond to the pattern formed by the micelles or to some feature 
of it. An interesting feature of this structure is that the conductance 
of the aqueous constituent can be changed by varying the moisture 
content or the salt content of the material and the effect on the di- 
electric constant observed. 10 

Frequency Dependence of Dielectric Constant 
As has been pointed out, each of the different types of polarization 
may contribute to the dielectric constant an amount depending upon 
the polarizability and its time of relaxation. The upper curve in Fig. 
1 shows schematically the variation of the dielectric constant (or of the 
square of the refractive index) for a hypothetical material possessing 
an interfacial polarization with relaxation-frequency in the power 
range, a dipole polarization with relaxation frequency in the high 
radio frequency range and atomic and electronic polarizations with 
dispersion regions in the infra-red and visible respectively. If polariza- 
bility were plotted, instead of e (or w 2 ), the curves would be of the same 
general form but of different magnitudes, because of a relationship 
between the two given earlier. 

At the low-frequency side of Fig. 1, the dielectric constant curve 
has its highest value, usually called the static or zero-frequency 
dielectric constant. Here all of the polarizations have time to form 
and to contribute their full amount to the dielectric constant. With 
increasing frequency e begins to decrease as the relaxation-frequency 
of the interfacial polarization is approached and reaches a constant 
lower value (called the infinite-frequency dielectric constant) when 
the applied frequency is sufficiently above the relaxation-frequency of 
the polarization that it has not time to form appreciably. It is this 
decrease of e with frequency which is called anomalous dispersion. The 
horizontal arrows across the top of Fig. 1 indicate the frequency region 
in which the various types of polarizations indicated are able to form 
and contribute to the dielectric constant. 

At still higher frequencies we see that e again decreases as the 
relaxation-frequency of the dipole polarization is approached, and 
again reaches a constant lower value as the frequency becomes too 
high for the field to affect appreciably the orientation of dipoles. 
This second region of anomalous dispersion is similar to the first, 
which was due to interfacial polarizations. It has been shown as 
occurring at a higher frequency, but it should be emphasized that the 
frequency ranges chosen to illustrate anomalous dispersion in Fig. 1 
i° Murphy and Lowry, Jour. Phys. Chem., 34, 594 (1930). 


are purely arbitrary. Anomalous dispersion due to dipole polariza- 
tions has been observed at power frequencies while that due to inter- 
facial polarizations has been observed at radio frequencies. The two 
types of polarizations may in fact give rise to anomalous dispersion 
in the same frequency range in a given dielectric. 

Proceeding to still higher frequencies in Fig. 1 other regions of 
dispersion appear in the infra-red and visible spectrum. These 
regions show a combination of normal optical dispersion, in which the 
dielectric constant, or better now the refractive index, increases with 
frequency, and anomalous dispersion in which it decreases. The 
dispersion in the visible range of frequencies is predominantly normal 
(anomalous dispersion being confined to relatively narrow frequency 
bands) whereas in the electrical range the reverse is true, normal 
dispersion not being observed ; the infra-red represents an intermediate 
region. Dipole and interfacial polarizations are not represented in 
the dispersion in the optical range, the dielectric constant (or refractive 
index) in the visible being due to electronic polarizations and in the 
infra-red to electronic and atomic polarizations. 

The curves plotted in Fig. 1 are merely schematic and the relative 
magnitudes of the different contributions to the dielectric constant 
are therefore arbitrary. However, experimental results indicate that 
the contribution €e of the electronic polarization to the dielectric 
constant is limited to values between 2 and 4 except for certain in- 
organic materials, since very few organic solids or liquids are known 
which have refractive indices in the visible spectrum which are greater 
than 2 or less than 1.4. The contribution 6a of atomic polarizations 
to the dielectric constant is in general small and is usually negligible, 
as has been indicated on the curve, although the possibility exists of 
special cases occurring in which the infra-red refractive indices are 
very high. The contributions e P and e/ of dipole and interfacial 
polarizations to the dielectric constant may vary greatly from one 
material to another, depending upon the symmetry of the molecule 
and the physical structure of the dielectric. From the above men- 
tioned limitations on the contribution to the dielectric constant which 
can be expected from electronic and atomic polarizations, it is apparent 
that the explanation of values of e higher than 3 to 4, at least in organic 
materials, requires the existence of some absorptive polarization such 
as arises from dipoles or interfacial effects. Thus all of the liquids 
which have high dielectric constants such as H2O (78), alcohol (24), 
nitrobenzene (34) have been shown to contain polar molecules. 

The lower part of Fig. 1 shows a maximum in the absorption for 
each type of dielectric polarization. The absorption, at least in the 


electrical frequency range, is due to the dissipation of the energy of the 
field as heat because of the friction experienced by the bound charges 
or dipoles in their motion in the applied field in forming the polariza- 
tions. The theory of dispersion shows that the dielectric constant and 
absorption are not independent quantities but that the absorption 
curve can be calculated from the dielectric constant vs. frequency 
curve and vice versa. The absorption maximum is greatest for those 
materials showing the greatest change in dielectric constant in passing 
through the dispersion region. Thus a material having a high di- 
electric constant must have a large dielectric loss at the frequency at 
which c has a value half way between its low and high-frequency values. 
Though the quantum theory is necessary for the explanation of many 
optical and electrical phenomena a simple explanation, sufficient for 
our purposes, of the general form of the curves of dielectric constant vs. 
frequency in the infra-red and visible spectrum may be given in terms 
of the Lorentz theory of optical dispersion. In this theory the form 
of the dispersion curves depends upon the variation with frequency of 
the relative importance of the inertia of the typical electron and of the 
frictional forces and restoring forces acting upon it. For electronic 
polarizations the frictional or dissipative force is negligible, except 
in the narrow frequency interval included in the absorption band, and 
the inertia and restoring force terms predominate. For the atomic 
polarizations the frictional force is larger and the absorption region 
extends over a wider interval of frequencies. For dipole and inter- 
facial polarizations the influence of inertia is entirely negligible as 
compared with the frictional or dissipative forces so that in effect these 
polarizations may be thought of as aperiodically damped. 

Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constant 
The dielectric constant of a material is a constant only in the ex- 
ceptional case. Besides the variation with frequency which has been 
considered the dielectric constant varies with temperature. Elec- 
tronic polarizations may be considered to be unaffected by the tempera- 
ture. The refractive index does indeed change with temperature 
but this is completely accounted for by the change of density, and the 
molar refraction is independent of temperature. The atomic and 
ionic vibrations are, however, affected by temperature, the binding 
force between ions or atoms being weakened by increased temperature. 
This factor of itself would yield a positive temperature coefficient for 
the atomic polarizations but the decrease in density with the increase 
in temperature acts in the opposite direction. The result is that 
calculation of the temperature coefficient of atomic polarizations 



usually yields zero or slightly positive values. What experimental 
data there are indicate small positive temperature coefficients for 
atomic polarizations. 

One of the principal achievements of the Debye theory of dipole 
polarizations has been the manner in which it explains the large 
negative temperature coefficients of polarization of many liquids. 
Debye showed that the variation of polarization with temperature 
could be expressed by the relation P = A + (B/T), in which the 
constant A is a measure of the instantaneous polarizations which are 
independent of temperature and B is a measure of the dipole polariza- 
tions. In a liquid or gas the molecules are continuously undergoing 
both translational and rotational motion, and the result of this thermal 
motion is to maintain a random orientation of molecules. The action 
of the electric field in aligning the dipoles is opposed by the thermal 
motion which acts as an influence tending to keep them oriented at 
random. As the temperature decreases, the thermal energy becomes 
' smaller and the dipole polarization becomes larger, resulting in a 

negative temperature coefficient of dielectric constant. 

The effect of temperature upon interfacial polarizations has not 
been experimentally investigated to an extent at all comparable with 
that of dipole polarizations. However, interest in the interfacial or 
ionic type of polarization has increased considerably in the past few 
years, and it has applications of some importance. Among these is 
diathermy which is becoming of considerable importance as a thera- 
peutic agency. 

The foregoing qualitative description of the behavior of the di- 
electric constant and the type of information regarding molecular 
structure which has been derived from it will be followed in the next 
section by the derivation of some of the quantitative relationships 
which are common to all polarizations of the absorptive type.